• Подписан Меморандум о сотрудничестве между Союзом банков Кыргызстана и Государственным банком развития Кыргызской Республики

How Banks Can Be Key Enablers in the Fight Against Climate Change

Banks can play a crucial role in advocating CO2-conscious lifestyles among consumers. CO2 emissions are derived from consumption, which is enabled by spending money, and money is handled by banks. Because the drastic impacts of climate change are already being seen, banks need to take responsibility and act to fight it.

Studies have estimated that 70% of CO2 emissions are driven by consumer behavior. Banks and financial institutions can be key enablers in fighting climate change because they see and process all our transactions. This provides them with a wealth of information about consumption patterns and preferences.

If banks can calculate customers’ carbon emissions based on transaction data, they can show them their individual carbon footprints. However, it is not enough to tell consumers how their lifestyle choices affect climate change; they must also advise them on how they can reduce their emissions, incorporating sustainability into personal finance management.

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UBK Members are invited to the Sustainable Finance Forum EECA 2021

The Union of Banks of Kyrgyzstan joins as the Media Partner to the 3rd edition of the Sustainable Finance Forum Eastern Europe, Caucasus & Central Asia (SusFinForum EECA 2021), which will take place on 15-16 April 2021 in online interactive format. The SusFinForum is organised by the Dutch company Greenpact BV in collaboration with the forum’s Gold sponsors CMS Cameron McKenna LLC and Mikro Kapital Management S.A.

About the SusFinForum:

SusFinForum is an annual forum for investees (banks, microfinance institutions, leasing providers, project developers) and investors (funds, asset managers, investors & financiers) in the EECA region that are committed to creating a social and environmental impact in the region.
The goal of the SusFinForum is to enable partnerships between funds and banks/MFI-s to catalyze investments for the sustainable and green transition of the region. The goal of the forum is to catalyze investments for sustainable infrastructure and development in the region, through innovative financing models. The forum is specifically designed for impact investors, commercial banks, microfinance institutions, SMEs and start-ups that have a business model incorporating environmental and social impact.
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Reduction of a commission fee in payment terminals “Optima Bank” and Optima24 for replenishment of the electronic wallet “Elsom”

Now the commission fee for replenishing the electronic wallet “Elsom” is reduced to 1,7% in all payment terminals of the Bank and in the “Optima24” Internet Banking.

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The competition for the position of the International Consultant on Development of Sustainable Finance Report for the Kyrgyz Republic

The United Nations Development Program (UNDP) in the Kyrgyz Republic in the frame of the project Partnership Action for Green Economy (PAGE) announcing the competition for the position of the International Consultant on Development of Sustainable Finance Report for the Kyrgyz Republic

The proposal must be submitted through UNDP e-tendering tool: https://etendering.partneragencies.org

Business Unit: KGZ10

Event ID: 0000006881

Guide for Bidders is available on:  https://www.undp.org/content/undp/en/home/operations/procurement/business/procurement-notices/resources/

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– Notification for KICB cardholders. Be careful!

Be careful! An online fraud attack via banking cards is growing in Internet and social networks. The users are offered to participate in surveys and lotteries with guaranteed rewards. Participation in such survey must be confirmed by entering banking card data and paying a fee. Bank recommends not to execute a card transaction on unknown websites and carefully learn the resources through which the payment is made.

Also, Bank recommends the following security measures when paying for goods and services online:

–          make payments on well-known websites or proven Internet resources;

–          set a daily limits on the amount/number of transactions within which a payment is usually made;

–          activate Internet-banking and SMS-notification;

–          monitor timely update of anti-virus software on devices with which a payment is made;

–          do not share banking card details to third parties;

–          do not transfer funds in response to requests from unknown persons.

Compliance with precautions when using banking cards will ensure the safety of funds on the card!

