• Подписан Меморандум о сотрудничестве между Союзом банков Кыргызстана и Государственным банком развития Кыргызской Республики

VI International Banking Forum 2022 (IBF 2022) to be held in Baku

VI International Banking Forum 2022 (IBF 2022) to be held in Baku on November 24-25, 2022 in Baku, Azerbaijan with the subject: RELIABLE, SAFE AND SUSTAINABLE BANKING. The Forum is supported by the Azerbaijan Banks Association, Central Bank of Azerbaijan, Ministry of Digital Development and Transport.

The IBF will be onsite with sessions and exhibition area, besides we will have online speeches and online participation opportunity.


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Vacancy Announcement for CEO of the Green Finance Centre Bishkek

The AIFC Green Finance Centre announces the opening of a vacancy for the Director of the “Green Finance Centre Bishkek”  LLC (hereinafter – the Company) in Bishkek, the Kyrgyz Republic. The Company is a subsidiary of the AIFC Green Finance Centre ltd. (hereinafter referred to as the GFC), which is located in Nur–Sultan, Kazakhstan.

The co-shareholders of the company in Kyrgyzstan are JSC “Aiyl Bank”, CJSC “Kyrgyz Stock Exchange”, as well as the Union of Banks of Kyrgyzstan.

The Director of the Company will play a crucial role in the development and implementation of the company’s strategy at the country level in coordination with stakeholders. In addition, Director will establish and maintain relationships with senior management in the public and private sectors, and make efforts to develop business.

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We invite everyone interested to take part in the FINTEX SUMMIT 2022 (FINTEX – FINANCE AND TECHNOLOGIES EXPO) in partnership with VISA, to be held on June 16-17, 2022 in Baku, Azerbaijan, with the subject of “New Trends in Banking and Finance Ecosystem: Innovative Solutions, FinTech And Security”.

Recall the moments of FINTEX 2019 and online FINTEX 2021:

LANDING PAGE OF FINTEX 2022: https://www.gbmevents.az/en/event/fintex-summit-2022-finance-and-technologies-expo

Having quite a history the Summit proved itself as an excellent platform where all the stakeholders meet, present new ideas, experiences, products, learn from each other, network and dive deeper into financial technologies, digitalization, payment ecosystem. We are inspired that there are always new opportunities for partners and participants there at the event.

The FINTEX SUMMIT is only finance event in Azerbaijan at which bank CEOs are all present. The Summit brings together senior management of regulators, fintech, associations, representatives of international financial institutions, local Embassies, academician, well known companies, decisionmakers and influencers.

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Last Tickets: Sustainable Finance (Virtual) Forum 7-8 April 2022

The Sustainable Finance Forum Eastern Europe, Caucasus & Central Asia (SusFinForum EECA) which will take place on 7-8 April 2022 online. Union of Banks of Kyrgyzstan, as the forum’s media partner is happy to remind you that you still can register to participate in the 4th edition of the SusFinForum with a special discount.

SusFinForum EECA – is an annual forum, which gathers around 200 banks, microfinance institutions, asset managers, project sponsors, investors & financiers in the EECA region and beyond.

The two-day forum will present the latest developments and practices in the regional markets, share insights into sustainable finance, solutions it provides for creating a positive environmental and environmental impact. It will feature key organisations and professionals, who will discuss the latest trends in sustainable finance in the region of Eastern Europe, Caucasus, Central Asia and beyond.

During the SusFinForum EECA 2022 you will be able to join the networking platform, connect with counterparts, set up new partnerships, and participate in professional experience exchange etc.

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Own processing center!

DemirBank is the first bank in Kyrgyzstan, which since 2002 has its own Processing Center located in Kyrgyzstan. This allows our customers, VISA and Mastercard cardholders, to receive services promptly within the terminal network, regardless of the geopolitical situation!

We would like to remind that currently DemirBank cards work as usual in Kyrgyzstan and abroad, with the exception of the Russian Federation!

Own processing center allows to:


  • Provide the highest quality and prompt services to customers, process transactions online
  • Carry out independent monitoring and control of fraudulent card transactions
  • Develop a network of ATMs and POS-terminals without the help of third parties
  • Quickly fulfill customer orders for the production and maintenance of cards
  • Exclude access to confidential information about customers, accounts, transactions by third parties

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