• Подписан Меморандум о сотрудничестве между Союзом банков Кыргызстана и Государственным банком развития Кыргызской Республики

FINCA Bank congratulated children on the occasion of the holiday

The employees of branches and of the Head Office of FINCA Bank congratulated children fostered in the child care centers on the occasion of the International Children’s Day.

FINCA Bank congratulated children on the occasion by organizing a sport and entertaining festivity named “Mash Botoy” (which can be translated from Kyrgyz as “An agile colt” [young camel]).

The team of Bishkek branch visited the Nur-Bakcha kindergarten of the village of Dzher-Kazar and donated entertaining toys and sweets to the children.

The employees of Kerben branch presented educational toys to the children fostered in the Archa-Beshik kindergarten.

Their colleagues from Karakol gave kids furniture to the Balazhan kindergarten of the village of Akbulun, besides presents were delivered to the Kelechek orphanage of the village of Kyzyl-Suu and to the kindergarten of the village of Kurmenty.

Naryn branch has donated a washing machine to the new kindergarten named Ayday.

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Kompanion Bank received the international Smart Campaign certificate for its commitment to the principles of client protection

Striving for the highest standards of service, Kompanion Bank adheres to the rules of socially responsible lending adopted in the financial sector at the international level.  In April 2017, the Kompanion Bank successfully passed the independent certification of the rating agency MicroFinanza Rating, once again confirming the implementation of the principles of protecting customers globally promoted by Smart Campaign.

“Kompanion Bank continues to implement its strategy to provide quality and affordable services to the people of Kyrgyzstan.  We pay special attention to taking care of customers and getting a high international estimate – an indicator that we are moving in the right direction.  Customers’ trust is our main achievement.  Today, 96,000 clients all over Kyrgyzstan work with us and we are trusted, with each of whom we build partnerships based on mutual trust, respect and honesty, ” concluded Ulanbek Termechikov, Chairman of the Management Board Kompanion Bank CJSC.

The receipt of the Smart Campaign certificate demonstrates the Bank’s compliance with a set of standards that ensure proper development and provision of financial products, prevention of excessive debt, transparency, prudent pricing policies, fair and respectful attitude towards clients, confidentiality of client data and complaints resolution mechanisms.    Read more »

Kompanion Bank opened a new branch in central part of Bishkek city

Kompanion Bank announced the opening of the Central Branch in Bishkek.  The branch works with private clients and legal entities, offering a wide range of banking services: cash and settlement services, currency exchange operations, money transfers, deposits and payment cards.

“We continue to expand our branch network and are now even closer and more convenient for our clients in the capital. By opening a new office in the city center, we tried to create all conditions for fast and high-quality service.  We are inviting you to our new branch and we will be glad to become a reliable partner offering profitable financial solutions, «said Ulanbek Termechikov, CEO, Kompanion Bank CJSC

Since its foundation in 2004, Kompanion Bank has significantly expanded its presence in the Kyrgyz market.  The Bank’s branch network covers all regions of the country and has 111 branches.

The central branch is located at 106 Toktogula Street (Razakova intersection) and open to customers from Monday to Friday from 8.30 to 17.30 without break. For more information call 0312 33 88 00 or 88 00.

Welcome to new Central Branch.

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Kompanion Bank held events to increase the financial literacy of schoolchildren

Kompanion - GMW2017In Kyrgyzstan, the World Money Week (Global Money Week) was held, within which the Kompanion Bank sponsored the intellectual quest game, as well as conducted a number of training activities for schoolchildren in five regions of Kyrgyzstan.

From 3rd to 10th of  April, the Bank staff held open days and financial literacy classes for students in Bishkek, Osh, Karakol, Isfana, Nooken and Toktogul.  A total of 12 schools and about 300 pupils of grades 9-11 took part in the Bank’s events.  Students learned about the work of the financial institution, got acquainted with banking services and talked with specialists about the importance of saving and proper management of personal finances.

Also, within the framework of the World Money Week in Bishkek, a quest-game on increasing financial literacy was held, in which about 50 schoolchildren aged 12 to 16 took part.  Participants had to go through several educational stations and solve fascinating financial tasks.  For each correct answer schoolchildren received game money “bilimi”, which at the final auction could be exchanged for real prizes – certificates for opening a deposit of 3 000, 4 000 and 5 000 soms, desktop financial games, gift certificates to a bookstore.

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– Kompanion Bank launched special offer on loans

Kompanion Bank offers special conditions on loans for business development and group loans only from March 1 through March 31 of this year under special spring offer. Interest rates on loans for small and medium-sized businesses in KGS have been decreased by 4%. In addition, during the promotion period, new customers can get a group loan without additional interest.

“We are continuing to create new bank products and improve the lending conditions for small and medium-sized businesses. It should be noted that, Kompanion Bank provides personalized service for each customer. We offer flexible repayment schedule and free consultations of the bank’s agronomists and veterinarians, which helps to support entrepreneurs,”- noted Ulanbek Termechikov, CEO of Kompanion Bank CJSC.

Detailed information can be obtained from the offices of Kompanion Bank CJSC, www.kompanion.kg site, as well as by contacting the contact center: 0 (312) 33-88-00, 88 00 (for mobile calls).

About Bank:

Kompanion Bank CJSC, established in 2004, has passed all the stages of institutional development and significantly expanded its presence in the market of Kyrgyzstan. The Bank with assets of 6.5 billion KGS and equity of 1 billion and 700 thousand KGS has 109 offices throughout the country, and provides services for more than 96 000 clients. Mercy Corps, the Dutch Development Bank FMO, and European investment fund Triodos Investment Management are the shareholders of the Bank.