Kompanion Bank held events to increase the financial literacy of schoolchildren

Kompanion - GMW2017In Kyrgyzstan, the World Money Week (Global Money Week) was held, within which the Kompanion Bank sponsored the intellectual quest game, as well as conducted a number of training activities for schoolchildren in five regions of Kyrgyzstan.

From 3rd to 10th of  April, the Bank staff held open days and financial literacy classes for students in Bishkek, Osh, Karakol, Isfana, Nooken and Toktogul.  A total of 12 schools and about 300 pupils of grades 9-11 took part in the Bank’s events.  Students learned about the work of the financial institution, got acquainted with banking services and talked with specialists about the importance of saving and proper management of personal finances.

Also, within the framework of the World Money Week in Bishkek, a quest-game on increasing financial literacy was held, in which about 50 schoolchildren aged 12 to 16 took part.  Participants had to go through several educational stations and solve fascinating financial tasks.  For each correct answer schoolchildren received game money “bilimi”, which at the final auction could be exchanged for real prizes – certificates for opening a deposit of 3 000, 4 000 and 5 000 soms, desktop financial games, gift certificates to a bookstore.

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Kompanion Bank Attractive Loan Terms

Банк Компаньон - бизнес кредитыKompanion Bank extended promotional event on business loans in US dollars. Entrepreneurs can obtain loans for working capital and investment in productive assets at a reduced rate – 12% per annum until the end of February 2017 .The minimum amount for a loan at this rate is 10 000 USD.

Kompanion Bank also offers preferential loans in cooperation with the Russian-Kyrgyz Development Fund. Affordable loans for enterpreneuers and businesses for long-term  investment for specific industries offered at 12% per annum for 5 years in KGS without fees or commissions.

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Children’s New Year events from FINCA Bank

finca-new-year-2017All the branches of the CJSC “FINCA Bank” held children’s New Year matinees during the period from 17 to 30 December, 2016. More than 1, 100 children of FINCA Bank’s clients 5-10 years in all the regions of the country took part in the New Year fairy tale with Father Frost and his granddaughter Snegurochka, the Snow Maiden, clowns and illusionists.

An entertainment program was developed specially for the little guests in the Head Office and in 24 branches of the Bank. Fascinating competitions and fun-filled entertainments were prepared for every child. The colorful events allow nobody of the children or their parents to stay indifferent. Employees of FINCA Bank have also come to congratulate the children. And at the end of every New Year show the children received sweet gifts from Father Frost. All the young spectators have enjoyed themselves enormously and received a lot of positive impressions.

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The New Year charity event of FINCA Bank

img_2188The employees of FINCA Bank in cooperation with the Charitable foundation “Help the Children-SKD” held a charity event in the children’s hematology unit of the National Center of maternity and child welfare service.

Children suffering from serious blood diseases received a New Year’s miracle as a gift right in hospital.  Exclusive glasses with warm wishes, fruit, kind greetings, clown-doctors with magical soap bubble show, Father Frost with his granddaughter Snegurochka, the Snow Maiden… And the main point – the children have received the vital blood products without which it’s impossible to provide treatment.

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Happy New Year!!!

Dear colleagues and friends,

Our sincerest thanks and warmest wishes for the Holiday Season and throughout the New Year!

We hope you and all your coworkers, family, and friends have a lovely holiday season filled with joy.

Best wishes for a prosperous new year!

Happy new year 2017!
Best regards,

The Union of Banks of Kyrgyzstan