• Подписан Меморандум о сотрудничестве между Союзом банков Кыргызстана и Государственным банком развития Кыргызской Республики

– Kompanion Invest: Development of Islamic Financing in Kyrgyzstan

What is Islamic financing and what niche does it occupy in our country? Many nationals of our country might have wondered about that. Let’s clear it up together.

The conventional concept of financing is about banks and financial institutions working only with credit and monetary instruments. Islamic financing, instead, does not recognize money as a subject of sale (except in some special cases). Money does not have its own value, it is only a means of exchange.

Challenges of Islamic financing sector

Despite the already existing fundamental theoretic and practical bases for future Islamic financial institutions, there are still some challenges in the development of Islamic financing: immature scientific environment for Islamic socioeconomic relationship (muamalat), weak legal and regulatory framework, as well as lack of skilled professionals.  

Kompanion Invest MCC LLC: Background

Kompanion Invest MCC LLC was established in November 2011. In 2012, Kompanion Invest conducted its first Murabaha agreement transaction. In November 2013, the Company became one of three finalists of the international competition Islamic Microfinance Challenge 2013. In 2016, after completing the process of implementing Sharia standards, Kompanion Invest fully switched to Standards of Accounting and Auditing Organization for Islamic Financial Institutions (AAOIFI).

In April 2017, Kompanion Invest MCC LLC raised long-term financial investments from Deutsche Bank, the largest German Bank in terms of total assets. The investment agreement was signed on April 21, 2017. The agreement is in full compliance with Sharia standards. The main purpose is to support microfinance products and services that are consistent with the Islamic law. The funds were provided as part of Deutsche Bank’s New Initiatives Fund project that provides accessible financing to low–income clients in developing countries.

Kompanion Bank has launched an Internet banking service

Kompanion Bank has launched an Internet banking service for private clients, legal entities and individual entrepreneurs. Now the bank’s customers have a convenient, simple and secure way of online banking.

Convenient. Internet banking allows you to manage your accounts 24/7 and perform basic banking operations:

– Obtaining information about bank payments;

– Making payment of loan debts;

– Free money transfer between own accounts, and also to accounts of bank clients;

– Money transfer by clearing and gross systems;

– Currency exchange.

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– FINCA Bank and the Volna Issyk-Kulya Radio launch the second stage of “The ABC of finance”

Since June 8, the Volna Issyk-Kulya Radio will broadcast the second cycle of the radio programs “The ABC of finance”.

The mutual initiative directed to increasing the level of financial literacy of the population was launched by FINCA Bank and the Volna Issyk-Kulya Radio. The residents of Issyk-Kul region had an opportunity to listen to the first cycle of series of three minute broadcasts in Russian in April.

FINCA Ban, whose one of the key directions of the activity is increasing the level of financial literacy of the population, acts not only as a sponsor of the radio programs, but it also provides information on the management of personal finance: loans, deposits and many other things.

You can listen to the radio program from to July 6, at the radio frequency FM 107.7 in Karakol and FM 107.5 in Cholpon-Ata daily at 7:30, 8:30, 9:30, 10:30, 11:30, 12:30, 13:30, 14:30, 15:30,16:30,17:30  and 18:30.



FINCA Bank has supported two financial events

The business meeting took place in the Orion Hotel in Bishkek on June 02. FINCA Bank acted as the general sponsor of the event organized by the Chamber of Commerce and Industry of the Kyrgyz Republic. The Deputy Chairperson of the Management Board Kai Ilm made a presentation of the bank’s products and services to the participants of the meeting, and also told about the bank’s activity in general.

The President of the Chamber of Commerce and Industry of the Kyrgyz Republic presented the FINCA Bank with the letter of recognition for the support of the business meeting.

FINCA Bank, acting as one of the sponsors, supported holding Bishkek International Financial Forum (BIFF), which this year is devoted to the subject: “The challenges of the market and trends”. The organizer of the event is the Union of Banks of Kyrgyzstan.

The forum was held in Bishkek and on Issyk-Kul coast on June 02-03. The Head of the Executive Office of the President of the Kyrgyz Republic Sapar Isakov, a member of Dzhogorku Kenesh [the Kyrgyz Parliament] Dastan Bekeshev, the Head of the National bank of the Kyrgyz Republic Tolkunbek Abdygulov, the President of the Union of Banks of Kyrgyzstan Anvar Abdraev, a representative of the Embassy of Germany to the Kyrgyz Republic Casien Onezorge and others took part in the event.

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NBKR issued the letter of appreciation to FINCA Bank

The National bank of Kyrgyzstan has noted the letter of thanks for the contribution of FINCA of Bank in the organization and carrying out of the World week of money-2017 (Global Money Week).

FINCA Bank is an active participant of the Global Money Week campaign which purpose is to increase the level of financial literacy of the population. It takes place annually in more than 100 countries of the world.

Delivery of letters took place within the International financial forum (BIFF-2017) which has taken place on June 2 in Bishkek. More than 400 representatives of international, and local companies participated in a ceremony initiated by the Union of Banks of Kyrgyzstan and NBKR.