BTA Bank – the best partner of the Russian-Kyrgyz Development Fund

По итогам 2016 года за эффективное и качественное обслуживание представителей малого и среднего бизнеса ЗАО «БТА Банк» признан лучшим банком-партнером Российско-Кыргызского Фонда Развития.

At the end of 2016 for the effective and quality services for small and medium-sized businesses BTA Bank CJSC is acknowledged to be the best bank-partner of the Russian-Kyrgyz Development Fund.

Starting from May 25, 2016 BTA Bank is the official partner of the Fund on provision of credit line to finance the small and medium-sized businesses. Thanks to the Russian-Kyrgyz Development Fund, entrepreneurs get the favorable loans for business expansion and modernization of the fixed assets, and most importantly – have an access to long-term investments with low interest rates.

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FINCA Bank has provided assistance to the Family Practice Center in Bazar-Korgon

finca071216Within the framework of Corporate Social Responsibility, FINCA Bank has implemented one more project by providing assistance to a medical institution.

Bazar-Korgon branch of FINCA Bank has initiated and implemented repair works in the Family Practice Center. For a long time the employees of the Family Practice Center in Bazar-Korgon had difficulties with clean water supply; the employees of the medical institution had to fetch water from the nearby school and to carry out the process waste water out of the building by themselves.

With the active support of FINCA Bank, the works on providing clean water supply to the building of the Center have been carried out: a water storage tank has been built, the treatment room has been supplied with cold and hot water, an electric pump and a hot-water boiler have been installed, wastepipes have been laid.

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Kompanion Bank has supported the International Judo Tournament

img_9916On December 3 and 4 VII international judo tournament “Han Manas” among juniors was held in Bishkek with the support of Kompanion Bank. This year over 400 sportsmen from Kazakhstan, Turkmenistan, Uzbekistan, Iran, Russia and Kyrgyzstan have participated in the tournament.

“We are glad to support this sport event the seventh year, which not only helps to popularize a healthy way of life, but also instills true ideological values for young generation, and also strengthens relations between the sportsmen of neighboring countries. I wish for all the sportsmen to show athletic character and will to win,”- the CEO of Kompanion Bank Ulanbek Termechikov noted in his welcoming speech at the opening ceremony of the tournament.

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“Week of Savings” project results

In the period of October and the first decade of November, Door Open Days were conducted in more than 100 Kompanion Bank sub branches for students of 9-11 grades. Employees of the Kompanion Bank informed young people importance of savings and effective planning of pocket money spending.  Talks were implemented in a fun and interactive form. Young people made calculations of profits from deposits and answered questions about world currencies as well as gave examples of simple ways to save money. Right answers received prizes such as company gifts. Also, participants were interested about cash encashment service system.  During Door Open Days more than 1000 children participated in the event. 86 new clients opened special deposit program “Future Millionaire”.

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FINCA Bank Receives the Community Service Award

amchamkaiRecently the awards ceremony took place within the framework of the annual meeting of the members and partners of the American Chamber of Commerce in the Kyrgyz Republic. The awards were intended to celebrate the Amcham members’ excellence and recognize their accomplishments in the following seven nominations: “Excellence in innovation and technology award”, “The most exciting product of the year award”, “Community service award”, “Amcham service award”, “The Executive of the Year”, “Entrepreneurship award” and “The Best company to work for award”.

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