Official Statement of the National Bank of the Kyrgyz Republic, January 13, 2016

1017674496Due to the information appeared in certain mass media about imposing of restrictions on foreign-currency sale by commercial banks and exchange offices, the National Bank of the Kyrgyz Republic reports the following.  

1. The National Bank did not impose any restrictions on exchange operations for commercial banks and exchange offices. There is currently adequate volume of currency assets in the banking system of the country: the balance of US dollars in commercial banks amounts to USD 408.7 million as of January 11, 2016, US dollars 51.5 million of which are cash and US dollars 357.2 million non-cash.  

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Aiyl Bank celebrated its 19th anniversary

July 2, 2015 Aiyl Bank celebrated its 19th anniversary. In 1996, with World Bank support, in the framework of “Rural Finance” it was founded Kyrgyz Agricultural Financial Corporation, which in 2006 was transformed into a joint-stock company “Aiyl Bank”.

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