• Подписан Меморандум о сотрудничестве между Союзом банков Кыргызстана и Государственным банком развития Кыргызской Республики

IFC Partners with Highland Capital to Support Small and Medium Enterprises in the Kyrgyz Republic

Bishkek, Kyrgyz Republic, September 19, 2018—IFC, a member of the World Bank Group, with support from the International Development Association (IDA) Private Sector Window, is investing a $8 million in a debut private equity fund by Highland Capital, an investment management firm, to help expand access to finance for small and medium enterprises (SMEs) in the Kyrgyz Republic.

The financing package includes $4 million from IFC’s own account blended with $4 million from the IDA Private Sector Window.

The new Highland Private Equity and Mezzanine Fund, which currently has $15 million in capital commitments, is the first institutional private equity fund in the country. The fund will provide critical growth capital of $800,000 to $5 million to local SMEs in services, agricultural processing, health, education, telecommunications, media, and technology. This is critical because smaller business across the country often struggle to access the capital they need to expand.

Cholpon Jumashukurov, Highland Capital’s Senior Managing Partner, said: “We are thrilled to have built a diversified base of high‐caliber investors, including IFC and other private investors. We are thankful to IFC, our anchor investor, and to Emil Umetaliev, a reputable local businessman, who trusted our team and approach by investing in our fund. Our investment approach fits the local market very well as it addresses the huge deficit of risk capital. We see a large number of compelling investment opportunities and we favor investments where our team can add significant value beyond capital provision.”

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Innovations in agriculture financing allow processors to increase production and enter new markets

Maksat Ishenbaev, Chairman of the Bai-Tushum Bank Executive Committee, expressed gratitude to the USAID Agro-Horizon Project at the Trade and Investment Forum that took place on June 5-6 for the fruitful cooperation and contribution to the development of the economy of country regions. According to Maksat Ishenbaev, three innovations were introduced in the Bai-Tushum Bank as part of the USAID Agro Horizon Project.

“The first innovation is value added chain (VAC) financing, the second – the introduction of remote loan applications analysis through a tablet solution. Bank’s officers got an opportunity to make a quick assessment at client’s business location, which enabled our loan officers to get response on the possibility of lending within one hour. Thus, we save the time of both our clients and bank’s employees. And the third innovation we have introduced is the agent network and remote banking service development. We strive to expand the use of remote service channels by our clients, as well as to increase the volumes of loan repayments through terminals. The clients do not need to visit the office, all they have to do is to find a payment terminal next to their business or residence. As part of remote service channels promotion, we are planning to expand the cash-in terminal network and introduce a cash out system. The clients in remote regions will find this service method very convenient, as there will be no need to spend time and money to travel to a Bank’s office and borrow a loan”, – said Maksat Ishenbaev.

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Protection of rights and interests of members of the Union of Banks of Kyrgyzstan


The main objectives of the Union of Banks are:

– Ensuring the protection of rights and representation of the common interests of members of the Union of Banks in the National Bank of the Kyrgyz Republic, state and other organizations of the Kyrgyz Republic;
– Association and coordination of the activities of the members of the Union of Banks to improve the banking system, the legal framework and the development of banking in the Kyrgyz Republic;
– Representation of common interests with the view to developing interregional and international relations among members of the Union of Banks;
– Satisfaction of information needs and professional interests of the members of the Union of Banks.

Management of the Union

Anvar Abdraev

 Anvar Abdraev


The Union of Banks of Kyrgyzstan





Anara Otunbaeva


Training Center of the Union of Banks of Kyrgyzstan

History of the Union

17 banks of Kyrgyzstan took part  at the general meeting of the founders of the Association of Banks was held on September 15, 2005.  The main objective of the meeting was to resolve all organizational and legal issues related to the revitalization of the Association of Banks.

As a result of the general meeting, several decisions were made. The withdrawal from the Association and the accession of new members to the Association of Banks, the Renaming of the Association into the Union of Banks of Kyrgyzstan (SBC), the approval of the new version of the Charter, the selection of the Supervisory Board of the Union of Banks, the selection of the Audit Commission of the Union of Banks and the determination of the amount of membership fees.

Coordination of the work of the new Union was entrusted to the Supervisory Board consisting of the first five heads of commercial banks of Kyrgyzstan: OJSC “Settlement-Savings Company”, CJSC “Demir Kyrgyz International Bank”, OJSC “KyrgyzСredit Bank”, OJSC “Bank-Bakai”, OJSC “Energobank”. The Chairman of the Supervisory Board was Anvar Abdraev – Chairman of the Board of OJSC “KyrgyzCreditBank”.

The functions of the President of the Union of Banks of Kyrgyzstan are temporarily assigned to the Chairman of the Supervisory Board, in accordance with paragraph 9.4. of the Statute.

Later, OJSC “AKB Kyrgyzstan”, CJSC “INEXIMBANK”, OJSC “FinanceCreditBank KAB” joined the Union of Banks of Kyrgyzstan.

Thus, for the first time in the history of the banking system, almost all commercial banks were merged, which was a confirmation of the desire of all members of the Union to work in an organized way to solve issues jointly.

Today the members of the Union of Banks are 24 commercial banks, 2 large microfinance companies, 1 leasing company, 3 associate members.