BTA Bank CJSC has won at the first deposit auction

logo_btaMinistry of Finances of the Kyrgyz Republic has awarded deposits to the amount of 106.8 mln KGS to BTA Bank for the best provisions at the first open auction for repayable funds placement.

In its turn, BTA Bank has undertaken to co-finance with its own funds, having nearly doubled the amount of the allocated tranche.

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– The Economic Research Center has conducted the study “Gender Aspects of the Households’ Saving Behavior in the Kyrgyz Republic”

researchBased on the data analysis of 2,400 households received within the framework of the study Life in Kyrgyzstan for 2013, the author has come to conclusion that the level of income and accumulated wealth, availability of a credit, as well as the shocks faced by a household largely determine whether it will save or not. The marital status of the household head and the place where the family lives have also a significant influence on the probability of savings. Besides, the households with equal economic, social and geographic characteristics differ in the saving behavior depending on the gender identity of the household head. 

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Kompanion Bank invites to the 11th Apple Festival

kompanion-bankKompanion Bank CJSC will hold the 11th annual Apple festival, which will take place on September 24 of 2016 in Kyzyl-Bulak village of Kadamjay district of Batken oblast.

Not only the farmers from Kyrgyzstan will take part in the festival, but also the gardeners from France will, who will share their experience in growing and processing apple.

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