The 12th annual Apple festival will take place on October 25, 2017

Kompanion Bank is inviting to the 12th annual Apple festival, which will be held on October 25, 2017 in the village of Iskra, Leilek district, Batken region. For the first time the festival was held in 2006 on the shore of Lake Issyk-Kul and since then it has become not only a good tradition, but also an effective economic platform for domestic farmers.

“The Apple Festival promotes the capacity building of the communities of all regions of our country. Last year, we held the Apple Festival in Kadamjai district and were able to help horticulturists sell more than 1500 tons of apples. In addition, the event was visited not only by farmers and residents of the Batken region, but also by delegations from France and Uzbekistan. This year we plan to organize an equally spectacular event,” said Erkinbek Jumabaev, CEO of Kompanion Bank CJSC.

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